Sep 3, 20203 min read
NBLC Highlight Games: The Edge's Great Escape in London, 2/15/20
It would be fair to expect high drama and skills clinics in any encounter between two of the most competitive and constructed NBL Canada...

Aug 2, 20203 min read
CEBL Sees Two Tight Finishes Early in Summer Series
The Elam ending, adopted by Canadian Elite Basketball for their 2020 Summer Series, may be seen by some as a complicated upset to the...

Jul 4, 20203 min read
NBLC9 All-Defensive Team Greatest Hits
Basketball is about more than scoring, having dependable players who can shut out opponents when not in possession is an equally vital...

May 16, 20202 min read
NBLC9 Greatest Hits: Marcus Capers
Leading everyone in the NBL Canada in steals as well as finishing in the top five for blocks and assists, Marcus Capers has been a...