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Final Report Card: Windsor Express

Rating and analysing the performances of the NBL Canada teams in the 2018-19 season.

It's a cliche, but the Windsor Express's 2018-19 season was a roller coaster. They went from floundering at the bottom of the Central Division at the start of the season to the top mid-way through, only to slip back down the order again when it mattered - at the season's end.

Big names from the team's past returned to the fold, as well as welcoming a host of new talent to their ranks, but while the team looked good on paper and packed plenty of promise, they found themselves outmatched in a surprisingly heated section of the league.

Eight successive losses at the season's end saw the Express eliminated from playoff contention for the first time in their history. Their season serves as a big reminder that while individual heroics are impressive, it's a team game in the end. Their early exit being the price they paid for a lack of proper team work.

MVP: Throughout the season Juan Pattillo was a huge force for the Express on both ends of the floor - he was the league's leading rebounder (with an average 8.9 boards per game) and one of the most dominant players scoring from the field in all of the NBLC.

While Chris Jones had great numbers in what would be a breakout season for the NBLC newcomer, Pattillo was the most steady and dependable player for the team from beginning to end, and a big part of the successes they saw in 2018-19.

What they did right: With an average 112.0 points in 40 games, boasting two of the season's biggest scorers (Pattillo, Jones) and leading three-point shooter Ryan Anderson, there's no denying the Express had firepower this season. The only problem was their opponents kept finding more scoring chances and ways around their defence.

What they needed to improve: Consistency. Admittedly they didn't do much wrong in terms of numbers, much of their failures down to their opponents' superior play, but finding a more solid game plan that worked for them more often would have alleviated a lot of struggles.

When sitting at the top of the Central Division, the Express looked poised to be a big force in the playoffs. They couldn’t build on their momentum after reaching the top spot, though, which cost them their place in the post-season.

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