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X Games Norway 2018: Eight of the Best

The biggest celebration of urban sports brought the show to Scandinavia, as some of the world's finest performance athletes took part in a unique staging of the X Games in the Norwegian capital of Oslo.

Of the many sights seen across the three days of competition, these are the very best moments from Norway's 2018 X Games:


Women's Big Air Ski

Giulia Tanno landed one of the very best tricks seen in Oslo, a double cork 1080 with a grab on her first run. Her other runs were not as spectacular, but with such great execution of a complex move, she was able to secure the silver medal. Gold went to Jennie-Lee Burmansson. FFS


Snowboard Big Air

The slopes in Oslo belonged to the representatives of Japan. In the women's snowboard event, thirteen-year-old Kokomo Murase landed a 1260 double cork, blowing all the competition clean out of the water...

Her compatriote, Takeru Otsuka, later landed two 1440 moves to dominate the field in the men's event.


Men's Big Air Ski

Undoubtedly, this was the best event of the games. The standard among the competitors was so very high and the fight for the gold medal became increasingly tense and competitive. With plenty of home crowd support, Oysten Braten landed two double cork moves, which would later win him the bronze medal.

Henrik Harlaut led the pack after a 1620 and switch triple cork-

But showing such great control and grace in the air, Birk Ruud's spectacular double and triple cork moves saw him stand above all others in a very tough ski jump field.


Skateboard Street

All the action wasn't just on the slopes, as top skaters were on show in the skateboard street event. The Oslo games saw great runs from veteran skater Leticia Bufoni (competing in her fifteenth X Games event)

- and from all-Scandinavian contest winner Jaakko Ojanen.

Crowds were at full capacity throughout the games, and the competing athletes did not fail to put on a show for them. The X Games have a great second home in Norway and have left spectators wanting more. The good news is it's not long until the 2018 Minneapolis games.

More highlights are available at the X Games official website.

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